The Shallec can be used for different purpose. Some are listed below :
- Use of Dewaxed Bleached Shellac in Food Can Lacquers.
- Coating for Food and Food Packages.
- Use of Dewaxed Bleached Shellac in Dry-Bright Floor Polishes.
- Use of Dewaxed shellac in Fruits.
- Use of Dewaxed Bleached Shellac in Paper Varnishes.
- Use of Dewaxed Bleached Shellac in Hair Lacquers.
- Use of Dewaxed Bleached Shellac in Optical Industry.
- Use of Dewaxed Bleached Shellac in Photographic and Engraving Industry.
- Use of Dewaxed Bleached Shellac in Printing Inks.
- Use of Shellac in Munitions and Pyrotechnics.
- Use of Dewaxed Bleached Shellac in Confectionery.Use of Bleached Shellac in Pharmaceutical Industry